
Habilitation Services and Program

Healing services called habilitative services are available for people with genetic disabilities or conditions that are mostly present from birth.

Habilitative services are similar to rehabilitative care. The key distinction between the two is that whereas habilitative services assist people acquire a skill, like walking or talking, rehabilitative services are focused on helping people regain a skill that has been lost or hindered. Habilitative services may include but are not limited to physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy.

In its purest form, habilitation aims to assist people with disabilities in acquiring, enhancing, and maintaining the skills required for daily life. Habilitation services from Mother of Mercy LLC focus on abilities and skills that a participant is willing to develop but might not be able to develop ordinarily, without assistance, love, and compassion. This is where Mother of Mercy LLC makes the difference.

The approved program provided by Mother of Mercy LLC enables participants to engage with the community with loving and compassionate assistance by limiting the risks that hinder their progress as participants evolve to live in safety at home and take part in their communities in a dignified and comfortable manner.

Although many of the services we offer entail support with personal care, Mother of Mercy LLC stands out for its emphasis on love, compassion, and community inclusion. Our method of habilitation entails teaching participants how to perform tasks independently, such as brushing their teeth, handling their money, and shopping for personal items. Together, we support their efforts to live more freely and securely at home and in the community while providing respite services for family members and caregivers.